Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is sedation like for getting 4 molars extracted?

Sedation is fine u will have someone monitoring u at all times. U will also be hooked up to a machine to monitor ur vitals just like at doctors. Blood pressure cuff on arm the little thing on ur finger they will monitor your heart. They put meds through an IV and tell u to count down from 10 u will fall asleep looking at them watching u. After that they do there thing pulling ur teeth. If ur oxygen goes low they just crank up the oxygen on the machine because u will be on oxygen. U wont remember anything u wont wake up until they wake u up. When u wake up u will be extremely tired wondering what the hell happened. But its really not that bad. Trust me. You can ask the anesthesiologist all these questions hos job is to make u comfortable answering your questions as well as sedate you. Oh and when I had my teeth pulled and they sedated me I felt really jot and my chest got kind of tight and I felt like ants were biting me. I started to panic and they could see that they asked me what was wrong and I told them and they assured me it was ok and gave me some more meds and the symptoms went away. I hope this eases ur mind on it. And good luck.

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